4 Web Design Principles That Improve Conversion Rate

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4 Web Design Principles That Improve Conversion Rate


What are the 4 web design principles?

According to studies, humans have an attention span of merely 8 seconds. Therefore, businesses have only a few seconds to keep visitors on their websites. When this is not achieved, chances are, visitors will leave the web page then move on to the next website.

A website, which is well designed, is the key to capturing the attention of visitors as well as converting visitors into potential customers.

Leading web designers and web development companies know the best way to boost conversion rates with the help of design. People who read further will also discover this technique. The following 4 web design principles and techniques will help you boost the conversion rate of your websites:

1. Choose a Responsive Web Design

Nowadays, users visit websites on a wide range of devices other than PCs or desktops. As a matter of fact, the share of mobile traffic is even higher. In 2019, mobile traffic was dominant in the total web traffic worldwide with more than 60%. This is enough proof that responsive websites are very important. Websites that are not responsive lose a large number of audiences.

When a website designed for a desktop is accessed on mobile devices and smaller screens, it can be very annoying. Slow pages, poorly visible buttons, and scrolling endlessly just to read text, among others, provides an unpleasant user experience, which lets users leave their site right away.

A responsive website gives a pleasant user experience since the layout automatically adjusts to the screen of the device being used. Therefore, when hiring a web designing company or web developers, they should be asked to make the website responsive.

2. Include Faces

Adding faces on a website easily draws the attention of users since they convey emotions. Users empathize with faces and when it shows a certain emotion, there are more chances for consumers to connect with the website.

Using facial images to mirror how a user feels builds an emotional connection between a brand and a user. Also, emotions can direct the decision of customers. This is a marketing strategy popularly used by a lot of advertising companies worldwide.

Businesses should make sure, though, that the images displayed represent their brand. In addition, stock photos should not be used.

3. Consistent Color, Images, Branding, and Fonts

A web design that is consistent in color, images, branding, and fonts looks more professional. When the design elements are not consistent, this can affect a brand image. A business should see to it that elements on a web page like color scheme, font size, font style, and logo, among others, are consistent.

4. Use the Right Colors

Colors can reveal a lot about a business and brand. They can easily draw the attention of potential customers and influence them into buying products/services. Within a 90 second interaction, consumers can make an initial judgment of a product, with 60% to 90% based on color.

Studies reveal that colors arouse various emotions in humans. Therefore, the right choice of colors in designing a website can effectively represent a brand as well as the mood of a website.

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Source by Karina Popa


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